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Brain Injury Attorney


Brain injuries can have a profound impact on the injured person’s life as well as on the lives of their friends and family. They’re usually caused by a terrible accident, and sometimes those accidents are caused by another person’s negligence, leaving the injured party to focus on healing and pursue justice simultaneously. 

If you’re in this situation, the experienced personal injury team at the Lento Law Group can help. Our attorneys, paralegals, and support staff understand that dealing with insurance claims and litigation can add to the frustration and anxiety surrounding a brain injury. We work hard to handle all our clients’ cases with compassion, respect, and maximum efficiency, all in order to ease the burden on you.

What is a Brain Injury?

Brain injuries are the result of a "forceful bump, bolt, or jolt to the head or body, or from an object that pierces the skull and enters the brain, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) says. Although you can sustain a brain injury at any time, the NINDS identifies five of the most common causes:

  • Assaults — Abuse-related brain injuries can be caused by fights, gunshot wounds, and domestic violence. 
  • Blunt trauma accidents — These are the result of a strong blow to the head. These accidents can happen while playing a sport, for example, during a natural disaster, or in a construction zone.
  • Explosions — The concussive force of an explosion can injure the brain. These injuries are mainly seen in military personnel, but factory, utility, and power plant workers also have an increased occupational risk.
  • Falls — People in the youngest and oldest age groups are at particular risk for brain injuries caused by hitting the head during a fall.
  • Vehicle-related injuries — At any speed, the human body is subject to immense force in a vehicle collision or accident. Brain injuries are also one of the principal causes of death in pedestrian-involved car accidents.

One commonality linking all victims of brain injuries is the assistance they require to be made whole again. In the wake of an incident leading to a brain injury, the afflicted individual may find themselves enveloped in uncertainty. But an attorney steeped in the relevant legal disciplines will ensure that your expectations are grounded in the law and its protections.

Identifying the Legal Issues of Brain Injuries

One reason victims of brain injuries need experienced legal representation is that there are multiple ways to approach justice and compensation, depending on the situation. A brain injury caused by a fall in a poorly-maintained parking lot, for example, will require one approach, while a brain injury sustained during a car accident will require an entirely different one.

In any personal injury case involving a brain injury, however, an attorney’s first job is to investigate its cause. They’ll ask you to recount everything you can remember about the incident, and likely also conduct extensive witness interviews. They’ll also obtain the police report, if there is one, video footage from witnesses or surveillance cameras, and damage reports from any professionals who may have been called in afterward.

They’ll almost certainly want to see your medical records pertaining to the injury. If needed, they’ll engage expert witnesses who can determine the connection between the circumstances of the accident and your specific injuries.

With all this information in hand, your attorney will then begin the complex process of quantifying the tangible and intangible damages you might be due as a result of your brain injury. Your tangible damages could include:

  • Medical bills, both current and projected, if treatment is to be ongoing
  • Physical and occupational therapy, current and anticipated
  • The cost of repairing any of your property (such as your car) harmed in the accident
  • The earning you’ve lost because your injury caused you to miss work
  • Your expenses for child, elder, or pet care during your recovery
  • The cost of a rental car or public transportation while your car undergoes repairs or while you’re unable to walk as you normally would

Your intangible losses stem from the trauma, whether physical or psychological, of your brain injury. These losses generally fall under the category of “pain and suffering.” Violence to the body, especially the head, whether it’s from a falling beam at a construction site, a fall in the supermarket, or a car that smashes into you after running a stop sign is always traumatic. Survivors commonly experience sleeplessness, nightmares, social isolation or withdrawal, and other symptoms of psychological distress.

Legal Remedies for Brain Injuries

Some brain injury cases are fairly straightforward to resolve. The majority are difficult, complex, and better handled by seasoned professionals who deal with these issues every day.

For instance, if you’re filing an insurance claim, the negotiations will probably require the finesse and acumen of a legal professional. They’ll know how to counter an insurance company's typically low initial settlement offer, and secure a fair and just amount for their client. Should litigation prove unavoidable, an attorney will ensure appropriate legal redress and compensation through proven trial advocacy. They’ll meticulously prepare and present evidence to substantiate your claim, including the rigorous examination of opposing witnesses to reveal inconsistencies or falsehoods.

The serious and prolonged nature of brain injuries, when victims are struggling to return to work and normal life, puts immense pressure on plaintiffs during the trial. Without the proper guidance, not only do you risk a too-small settlement or even a complete dismissal of your claim, you also risk losing ground on your recovery. It may take months or even years to fully recover from a brain injury, and you need justice now.

Why Do You Need the Lento Law Group to Address a Brain Injury?

Brain injuries of any magnitude are significant. It's essential that you focus on recovery and put your right to due compensation in the hands of the Lento Law Group. 

Our legal team extends a free case evaluation to victims of brain injuries. We understand the profound shock and anguish that can come from brain injuries, especially when they’re caused by accidents or negligence. By choosing to embark on this journey with a legal professional from the Lento Law Group, victims of brain injuries take a major step toward achieving a comprehensive, fair, and just resolution to their predicament. Call 1-833-LENTO-LAW or contact us online now.

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